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Local's remake Ch4 ident:

(February 2014)

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A former member

A campaign has been launched to change people's perceptions of a south-east London estate which residents say has been misrepresented by Channel 4.

Ten years ago, the broadcaster filmed an "ident" at the Aylesbury Estate, which it uses to introduce programmes. However, residents claim Channel 4 added shopping trolleys, bags of rubbish and effects which changed the look of the estate.

Tenants have now teamed up with a filmmaker to make an alternative ident, which they feel more accurately reflects life on the estate.

Resident Wilson Mayamba and community worker Charlotte Benstead spoke to BBC London's Jean Mackenzie about why they think Channel 4 misrepresented the estate and filmmaker Nick Street and residents Viv and Milly discuss how the new advert better represents their home.

Channel 4 says, since BBC London got in contact, it has now viewed the new film, liked it and has been in contact with the filmmaker about running it once. However the broadcaster said it would not be dropping the original ident.
Last edited by A former member on 20 February 2014 6:16pm
Sounds like some residents want to get a taste of the Benefits Street fame.
right, time to jack it all in, I give up.

I think those floating blocks might have been added in too btw.
Thing is, who outside of the residents would have known it was that particular block? It's nondescript, anonymous and certainly not unrepresentative. They've actually made the situation worse by drawing attention to it.
Here's the new version:

The story was covered on BBC London News this evening, and according to them, Channel 4 have promised to air the new version at least once.
Last edited by D.Page on 20 February 2014 8:40pm
So it's a glorified mock then? Could this be the start of a new trend*...for some channels it might be an improvement.

* Nice to see Channel 4 leading the way for a change like it's suppose to, even if it's just an ident.
Hey, those hippos aren't real.
So it's going to be run "at least once." Will that be in to the next series of Benefits Street then?? Razz
Always thought they should have done a Christmas version of this ident with garish lights attached to the building, and with so much of it being put in during post production that clearly could have been done. Also think they missed a trick by not making day/night versions of some of their idents, effectively getting two for the price of one.

The motives for this video are questionable to say the least - and if they were serious they should at least have worked the 4 into their own video.
Thing is, who outside of the residents would have known it was that particular block? It's nondescript, anonymous and certainly not unrepresentative. They've actually made the situation worse by drawing attention to it.

I totally agree here. I've never watched that ident and thought "Well THERE looks like a horrible place! I'm not going to live there. They could have had a few plant pots and scatter cushions in it to make it look more homely"

NO! How has it taken so long for them to say anything?!
VMPhil and oflahertya gave kudos

NO! How has it taken so long for them to say anything?!

Maybe it only recently became less slightly less ****?
madmusician and bilky asko gave kudos
BillyH Founding member
I was watching an old 1970s sitcom on ITV4 the other day and was disgusted at the completely inaccurate and misleading 'map of London' shown at the start, clearly another product of London bias and TV fakery.
What's Ofcom's email again?

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