(BTW I'm all alone in chat ) (and look at the mist!
(Edited by Billy Hicks88 at 6:44 pm on Aug. 14, 2001)
From what i saw of the hearts endboards, i liked it -- but i like the blue wavy lines too, they're kinda artsy and stuff like that -- well, i think they could be worse - it is a little weird thought that there are no hearts - and there weren't any hearts in that short animation they showed for the ITV1 'launch'…
BBC Choice
Carlton/LWT and Meridian run Splash bumper all the time, and have done for the whole run of Hearts idents! Boring is not the word! (Grease is the word, apparently)
A former member
I'm really enjoying the whole ITV1 thing at the moment. Granada have done a good job of introducing the [1] to their graphics, and I really like the new endboards. They are obviously only temporary, and I can't wait for the new ones. Did someone say at TV Home 1 (see what I've done there?) that they will be red?
A former member
The trailer for Saturday night had a different endboard to the new one. It was white and yellow, like the 'This is ITV1' trailer.
I'm really enjoying the whole ITV1 thing at the moment. Granada have done a good job of introducing the [1] to their graphics, and I really like the new endboards. They are obviously only temporary, and I can't wait for the new ones. Did someone say at TV Home 1 (see what I've done there?) that they will be red?
By the way, Yorkshire today were using their usual Tuesday breakbumper.
Never mind TV Home 1, the way we're going its sadly more like TV>Home Direct
Yorkshire are continuing to use different breakbumpers on all the wrong days, as follows:
Saturday: Splash (usually Sundays and Wednesdays)
Sunday: Heart of Fire (usually Mondays)
Monday: Heart of Fire (usually Mondays)
Tuesday: Purple Heart (usually Fridays)
Wednesday: Heart of Fire (usually Mondays) again!!