The Newsroom

BBC News (UK) presentation - Reith launch onwards

From Monday 15th July 2019 (July 2019)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Seems like a few lights weren’t working on tonight’s bulletin.*
. Budget cuts already starting to hit Wink
Seems like a few lights weren’t working on tonight’s bulletin.*

I think this may have happened before. Look Smile
Seems like a few lights weren’t working on tonight’s bulletin.*

I think this may have happened before. Look Smile

Martine really doesn’t have an easy time in the studio does she, seems like technical problems follow her around.
Rolling News
Seems like a few lights weren’t working on tonight’s bulletin.*

I think this may have happened before. Look Smile

Martine really doesn’t have an easy time in the studio does she, seems like technical problems follow her around.

Yes, but she handles them like a true pro and It's that that makes her brilliant.
I think this may have happened before. Look Smile

Martine really doesn’t have an easy time in the studio does she, seems like technical problems follow her around.

Yes, but she handles them like a true pro and It's that that makes her brilliant.

That's why I love Martine, she's so great at what she does, and by far the best at doing "The Papers".
Rexogamer, AJB39 and Universal_r gave kudos
Hi, does anyone know why the bbc one schedule had bbc news at 1:20am and then joins bbc news at 2:05am?
Hi, does anyone know why the bbc one schedule had bbc news at 1:20am and then joins bbc news at 2:05am?

That sometimes happens, but its the same programme.
Blake Connolly Founding member
Hi, does anyone know why the bbc one schedule had bbc news at 1:20am and then joins bbc news at 2:05am?

It's because Scotland (where those listings are for) joined the news channel earlier in the night than network, which joined at 02:05.

I'm more familiar with the old scheduling and listings systems than the current ones but I assume they work in a similar way in that the nation and region opts essentially sit on top of the network schedule. So to look cleaner on that page, Scotland could have put their news channel opt-out all the way to 6am and it would show as just one programme. But for various reasons it's better and easier to reflect what actually happens, which is them joining network once it has gone to news channel. If that makes sense.
JF World News
Always wonder why BBC News Channel schedule doesn't override BBC One overnight? and why like tonight they join at 00:05 do they really need Weather at midnight as it puts the bulletin out of sync and crashes in to BBC World News?
How many viewers watch that weather forecast then go to bed? You're suggesting they should wait 25 minutes. The idea is you watch the weather forecast then switch off. The simulcast only exists because the alternative is either a testcard or a black screen (there used to be a third option, Pages from Ceefax, but of course that's gone now). Anyone who really wanted to watch the news would have the news channel on in the first place.
Is NC simulcasting with BBC World this afternoon (or vice versa, not sure which way round)?
Nope as the simulcasting usually ends at 1:00pm at weekends now.

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