The Newsroom

Brexit Day/Night coverage

Coverage on 31 January 2020 (January 2020)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
Andrew Founding member
Good job the BBC are in a different studio, as if they weren’t, you wouldn’t know you weren’t watching just a normal edition of the Ten

ITV have now brought back the interview area over the other side of the studio, from the election programmes.
BBI45 posted:
That looks like a serious Health & Safety breach behind the guests - what with an unguarded low wall 'trip hazard' down to the lower floor. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

Making the most of the fact that we have been liberated from the restrictive health and safety regulations set by the EU. We're free to make our safety rules, now that we have got Brexit done.

(Just before anybody gets grumpy, this is a joke)

On the topic of coverage, I'm enjoying the LBC News: Brexit Special with John Stratford.

Tired studio. tired presenter.

I’ll stick with Sophie
It looks as though Newsnight are back in 34D for the night.
Good job the BBC are in a different studio, as if they weren’t, you wouldn’t know you weren’t watching just a normal edition of the Ten.

And what’s wrong with that? It is just the news. They’ve just extended it as Brexit happens at 11.
Cando, Steve Williams and Custard56 gave kudos
It looks as though Newsnight are back in 34D for the night.

And it looks as terrible as it did last time. I never understand the way they think putting some black sheeting over things makes them disappear. This is HD television guys, not the stage. Black cloth looks very very amateur and sticks out like a sore thumb.
Andrew Founding member
Here we go more “We’ve been to.... to gauge the mood...”

With the BBC cuts, maybe they could spend less money on very predictable voxpop reports. You know what the outcome will be, before the report even starts.
Arlene Foster has just appeared on The Late Late Show on RTÉ One within the last 3 minutes.
Ne1L C
Have to say the expanded itv News studio is pretty impressive
Brexit is now official. I wonder how the broadcasters will cover it.
Brexit is now official. I wonder how the broadcasters will cover it.

Dear Jesus.
Ne1L C
Live at five with Jeremy and Brekkie gave kudos
Moz posted:
Brexit is now official. I wonder how the broadcasters will cover it.

Dear Jesus.


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