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AppleTV 4K and Apple Video Services.

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This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
'Morning'! People are going to moan like it's Daybreak V1.
Neil Jones Founding member
AxG posted:
'Morning'! People are going to moan like it's Daybreak V1.

8 days later

All4 now finally integrates with the TV app and Up Next queue system!

18 days later

DVB Cornwall
pad posted:
All4 now finally integrates with the TV app and Up Next queue system!

Ditto .... ITV Hub since latest release.

21 days later

DVB Cornwall
Couple of App News items ....

Culturebox the France Televisions service which provided programming internationally in the Arts, Music and Drama fields has been suspended, pending a decision on it's future. Until the end of April it operated at arms length from FT but has now been incorporated fully. I assume is now subject to the FT cross border policy which is as restrictive as you can get.

RTE Player is now available on AppleTV albeit with suspect navigation. At least it's available and some content is provided.
Can’t seem to see RTE on the App Store do you need to be on Irish one?
DVB Cornwall
I've had it on iOS devices for a while. It came up on AppleTV in the App Store as not on this device, selected it and it downloaded.

App Store / Purchased / Not on this Apple TV
Dave Founding member
Apple TV content is coming to Samsung TVs later in 2019

Seems to have now made an appearance on the Samsung TVs
DVB Cornwall
They've got some tiles on purchased content confused with foreign language ones.
DVB Cornwall
Can someone with ITV Hub on AppleTV check BGT. Is it in HD or not? Looks suspiciously like it to me. If so it's quite a step forward.
Can someone with ITV Hub on AppleTV check BGT. Is it in HD or not? Looks suspiciously like it to me. If so it's quite a step forward.

Doesn't look like it to me. The telltale sign of sharp text on graphics isn't there.
noggin Founding member
Can someone with ITV Hub on AppleTV check BGT. Is it in HD or not? Looks suspiciously like it to me. If so it's quite a step forward.

Doesn't look like it to me. The telltale sign of sharp text on graphics isn't there.

Hang on - I'll check. If you link your ATV with Xcode on your Mac you can enable the player HUD in developer settings that shows you an overlay with resolution, codec, frame rate, audio and video bitrate etc. info of the video being played.

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