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Good Morning Britain

March 2017 onwards - Moving to TVC Studio 3 on 16th April 2018 (March 2017)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
dbl posted:
Piers posted this.. (thought I'd get the fanboys on here excited Rolling Eyes Razz )

I can see a text above them. Could they have an actual ticker in the studio again?

I hope so. It would certainly make it appear more professional than the ticker in the old studio, which has been pretty redundant in the past year.

I know. All it had was the date and contact info. But if there was a bit of breaking news and they were coming back from a break they would have breaking news written on it. And that's about it.
Steve in Pudsey
dbl posted:
Piers posted this.. (thought I'd get the fanboys on here excited Rolling Eyes Razz )

Wow! Looks amazing just from that picture. What looks like the curved video wall behind the desk reminds me of Australia’s Today Show studio.

And wheel the desk away and you've got a flexible area that This Morning could use for performances or fashion items etc?
dbl posted:
Piers posted this.. (thought I'd get the fanboys on here excited Rolling Eyes Razz )

Wow! Looks amazing just from that picture. What looks like the curved video wall behind the desk reminds me of Australia’s Today Show studio.

And wheel the desk away and you've got a flexible area that This Morning could use for performances or fashion items etc?

This Morning and GMB have separate standing sets, so I should think This Morning have already got their own area.
Some of us have watched Antiques Roadshow long enough to know what a Credenza is...

Kath Day-Knight was very proud of her credenza in Aussie comedy, Kath & Kim. I’m sure the GMB one will be nice, different and unusual.
I am of the opinion that the new GMB thread ought not open until 05:59, rather than 05:55.

It is totally incomprehensible and non-sensical how such threads for relaunches will always have people posting utter nothingness (such as "It's nearly time" or similar - Yes, we know. That's why the new thread exists Rolling Eyes ) before the actual new thing has been seen/heard on screen.

I'm sure there are bigger things to worry about than whether a thread should open at 05:55 or 05:59 and if anyone does post, does it really matter that much? If you don't want to read those posts then move on past them - no one is forcing you to read them.
news junkie
Oh nice!

Oh nice!

This looks great!
This set looks great. Huge improvement on the last one. Desk is almost like the first launch one. Bright and vibrant light strips behind Piers and Susanna's heads, one big screen makes a window view perfect (especially for this morning??) Logo stays the same small shame but maybe a change in the on screen furniture. ??
Roll on 6am!! Very Happy Cool
Mouseboy33, watchingtv and Luke B gave kudos
This set looks great. Huge improvement on the last one. Desk is almost like the first launch one. Bright and vibrant light strips behind Piers and Susanna's heads, one big screen makes a window view perfect (especially for this morning??) Logo stays the same slight shame but maybe a slight change in the on screen furniture. ??
Roll on 6am!!

This Morning and GMB are not sharing sets, just Studios. They're permanently up either end of the studio
This set looks great. Huge improvement on the last one. Desk is almost like the first launch one. Bright and vibrant light strips behind Piers and Susanna's heads, one big screen makes a window view perfect (especially for this morning??) Logo stays the same slight shame but maybe a slight change in the on screen furniture. ??
Roll on 6am!!

This Morning and GMB are not sharing sets, just Studios. They're permanently up either end of the studio

Oh ok even better! Thumbs up
I wonder if during the entertainment segment with Richard, they’ll spin the camera round and show the new This Morning set?🤔
I wonder if during the entertainment segment with Richard, they’ll spin the camera round and show the new This Morning set?🤔

From some other pics on social media recently, looks like the This Morning set is hidden behind a white partition wall...
Last edited by skynewsfreak on 15 April 2018 1:25pm

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