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Newsreader & Reporter thread

(February 2003)

This site closed in March 2021 and is now a read-only archive
rts Founding member
The Newsreader & Reporter Thread

This thread was initially created to cover the story of Anna Ford losing her voice and then covered stories such as the Iraq War with reporters on and off location.

Anna Ford had struggled to be heard throughout, with her voice completely going at some points. After her voice seriously faultered for a second time, Sophie Raworth (already in the newsroom) came to the rescue and took over the One from the headline re-cap at around 1318. No time for make-up either!

On the same day, Bill Turnbill was doing the Six as a replacement for George.

Slowly the thread evolved into a thread about shift patterns, which is what it is now aimed at.

It seemed to make sense to me to rename this thread The Newsreader Thread .

It should keep the forum a bit tidier if all posts relating to

Arrow Presenter shifts
Arrow Changes of usual presenters
Arrow Presenter cock-ups
Arrow Presenters standing up (a popular one..)
Arrow Main anchors on loction.
Arrow Additional things newsreaders must do while on air.

I'm sure I will be adding to this list, and PM me if you can think of any obvious things I have missed off!
Last edited by rts on 5 June 2004 1:18pm - 87 times in total
A former member
ROFL!!! I've never known this before!! Laughing
A former member
I have just noticed this. Anna is still sat there though. Sophie was obviously rushed in as her hair and make up are, well, umm, not exactly to an ON AIR standard. The full belletin will be available to watch on the website after the bulletin is over.
rts Founding member
I thought it was just a minor hick-up at the start and that a sip of water would sort it. Looks like Anna's suffering for the latest flu bug!
Last edited by rts on 24 February 2003 1:26pm
A former member
Sophie does look RUFF! Wink
rts Founding member
She must feel honoured though to be sitting in George's seat for once.
I felt very sorry for Anna. It feels awful when you can't speak on air, and she was clearly is some discomfort. I can't remember anything like this happening before.
A former member
I'm just wondering whether they will post the full bulletin on BBCi shortly. Perhaps they wont after what happened.
A former member
Poor Anna! As Sophie said at the end, - hopefully she'll be alright for tomorrow! I've never seen anything like this happen before. If a presenter is struggling with their voice they usually manage to soldier on through the bulletin but it was quite obvious that Anna's voice was affecting the quality today - ie having to rush quickly to reports before she finished her link. Get well soon Anna!
itsrobert Founding member
Newsroom posted:
I'm just wondering whether they will post the full bulletin on BBCi shortly. Perhaps they wont after what happened.

Nope, the bulletin has been put online.
A former member
And what great viewing it makes too.
Anyone got the video of what happened?

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